Happy boxing, Jing nan!
The majority of martial arts are full-body workouts that benefit every muscle group in your body. Even better, the activity you gain from learning self-defense strengthens your cardiovascular system, and this is on top of assisting you in achieving and maintaining your optimum body weight.
Martial arts programs provide daily exercise beneficial to your bones and neurological system. You’ll also improve your posture and reduce your risk of injury (which may sound paradoxical, but it’s real).
Kicking, ducking, and punching are all excellent ways to relieve stress.
Even if your sparring partner wins, your stress levels will continue to decrease. Martial arts may aid with stress release in a variety of ways. Stretching and meditation are excellent relaxation strategies in several martial arts.
A punching bag workout is also a terrific method to get rid of the bad vibes following a terrible day.
Not to mention how satisfying it is to deflect your opponent’s attacks during sparring. The exhilaration and sense of accomplishment banish any negative ideas skulking around in your head. You’ll feel better and have a clearer mind when you leave the gym, studio, or dojo.
On a heavy bag, a student is performing elbow work.
The main reason you want to practice martial arts is to protect yourself in an emergency. Martial arts may assist with this, and a skilled instructor can explain how each technique you learn might be useful in a real-life attack.
Situational awareness is taught in most locations that teach martial arts, focusing on self-defense. They teach you how to use common household items to get an edge over an enemy. Self-defense programs will teach you various additional preventive methods, and it’s a good idea to learn them all. Many martial arts were created to help smaller combatants overcome larger opponents, making them ideal for women who want to defend themselves. The techniques you’ll learn in the dojo are all about time and process rather than overwhelming power.